Blank Park Zoo
Blank Park Zoo

Open Daily, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
$20 adults, $15 children

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Open Daily, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
$20 adults, $15 children

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Animal Care Volunteers

Looking to gain experience in animal care?  Animal care assistants help animal care staff with the daily chores involved with our animals.  Volunteers must be able to clean, sweep, hose, cut up diets, lift heavy loads and follow specific directions. Opportunities are available seven days a week with the following teams: Ambassadors, Aquatics, Avian/Reptiles, Commissary, Large Mammals, and Small Mammals.

Please Note: Volunteers are placed on a need by need basis and do not work directly with the animals.  Interest in these opportunities does not guarantee there is a spot available, area managers determine the number of volunteers allowed to work in their area.


Assist ambassador animal care staff in the daily care of the ambassador animals. This includes diet distribution, cleaning, disinfections, and creating enrichment. Dedicated volunteer that is willing to volunteer at least 3 days a month.


Aquatics area volunteers will assist keepers with daily duties associated with all aquatic animals. Volunteers must have interest in marine and freshwater aquarium animals. Species in the area include a variety of Indo-pacific and Atlantic tropical reef fishes and invertebrates, Amazonian fish, reptiles and amphibians, African cichlids, Pacific cold-water fish and invertebrates, and North American pond turtles. Exhibit diving opportunities may be available, for those volunteers that are scuba dive certified.


We are looking for motivated, enthusiastic candidates to work around a wide variety of species and exhibits. Volunteers will gain experience in daily husbandry, exhibit upkeep, observations, and enrichment as well as the opportunity to observe training for a diverse group of birds and reptiles. This includes 40+ species of birds and two species of reptiles.


Volunteers will assist staff with the preparation of the animal diets. Duties include diet preparation, cleaning, disinfections, and stocking.

Small Mammals

Under direct supervision, assist keepers with preparing exhibits and cleaning barns - picking up waste, hosing, and disinfecting. Volunteers should be prepared to assist keepers in arduous physical activity in the kids kingdom area and wallaby barn.

Additional duties may include preparing enrichment, interacting with zoo guests, and assisting keepers with special projects. Opportunities exist to observe animal training sessions.

Large Mammals

Assist keepers preparing exhibits and cleaning barns, picking up waste, hosing, and disinfecting. Volunteers should be prepared to assist keepers in arduous physical activity. Additional duties may include preparing enrichment, interacting with zoo guests, and assisting keepers with special projects. Opportunities exist to observe animal training sessions.

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