Blank Park Zoo
Blank Park Zoo

Open Daily, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
$20 adults, $15 children

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Open Daily, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
$20 adults, $15 children

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Harbor Seal born at Blank Park Zoo

Posted on August 15, 2018 at 2:55 PM by Ryan Bickel

Blank Park Zoo is happy to announce the birth of a male harbor seal pup on August 4, 2018! He was a big baby - 30 pounds at birth. You can help suggest a name him for a $50. Click here to learn more.

Currently, keepers are introducing him to the other pinnipeds. He may be in his outdoor habitat occasionally during these times.

At four to six weeks, he will be weaned from mom, so he will not be in his outdoor habitat at this time.

Keepers describe him as feisty and full of spunk! 

He hill help educate visitors on the need to help keep our oceans clean!

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