Blank Park Zoo
Blank Park Zoo

Open Daily, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
$20 adults, $15 children

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Open Daily, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
$20 adults, $15 children

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Service Enterprise

Posted on April 29, 2021 at 3:35 PM by Blog Author

Blank Park Zoo is pleased to announce that it has been certified by Points of Light, the world’s largest organization dedicated to volunteer service, as a Service Enterprise!  Achieving Service Enterprise certification is a prestigious accomplishment for an organization. In fact, organizations that certify join the top 11 percent of nonprofits nationwide in volunteer management and organizational performance. Certification signifies that organizations have the capability and management expertise to strategically use volunteers to improve the performance of their organization.

Blank Park Zoo completed an extensive assessment, over 20 hours of training and coaching, and an extensive internal planning and change process to better integrate volunteers into our human capital strategy. By achieving this level of excellence and certification, Blank Park Zoo is now better equipped to leverage the time and talent of volunteers and better meet our mission.

According to Christine Eckles, Chief Engagement Officer, Service Enterprise has allowed Blank Park Zoo the opportunity to dive deeper into the volunteer program.  Being a Service Enterprise certified organization will provide volunteers at Blank Park Zoo the opportunity to match their skills and talents to the mission of the Zoo.

Research conducted by the TCC Group, a national program and evaluation firm, found that organizations operating as Service Enterprises outperform peer organizations on all aspects of organizational effectiveness, and are more adaptable, sustainable and capable of scaling their work.

The Service Enterprise program is a national change management program that helps organizations gain a greater return on volunteer investment to better achieve their mission. For more information regarding volunteer opportunities with our organization, please visit

For further information regarding Service Enterprise, please contact Volunteer Iowa

Learn more at

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