Blank Park Zoo
Blank Park Zoo

Open Daily, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
$20 adults, $15 children

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Open Daily, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
$20 adults, $15 children

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Why reusable straws?

  • Plastic straws are among the ten most commonly found items in waterways and oceans.
  • Plastic straws create pollution at every stage of their existence from oil drilling, manufacturing, shipping and distribution.
  • Plastic straws are not recyclable.
  • According to EcoCycle, in the United States 500 million straws are used EVERY day. That number would fill over 127 school buses.
  • There are lots of alternatives to single-use plastic straws - steel, glass, bamboo, reusable plastic and paper are all routes that can be taken on the way to a cleaner environment. Metal and silicone reusable straws are available for purchase at Blank Park Zoo’s Wild Things Gift Shop.

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